
Microsoft(MSFT) Earnings Results 4Q 2023

토드리 2024. 1. 31. 22:25

Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ: MSFT) on Tuesday said its second-quarter 2024 earnings increased year-over-year, reflecting strong performance of the tech giant’s key operating segments. The results also beat estimates.

Second-quarter revenues came in at $62.02 billion, compared to $52.75 billion in the same period of 2023, and topped expectations. Net income increased to $21.9 billion or $2.93 per share in the December quarter from $16.4 billion or $2.20 per share in the comparable period of the previous year. Earnings also exceeded the market’s expectations.

“We’ve moved from talking about AI to applying AI at scale. By infusing AI across every layer of our tech stack, we’re winning new customers and helping drive new benefits and productivity gains across every sector,” said Microsoft’s CEO Satya Nadella.

마이크로소프트는 23년 4분기 매출과 주당순이익(WPS)이 각각 620억2000만달러(82조4866억원)와 2.93달러(3896원)를 기록했다고 30일(현지시간) 밝혔습니다.
매출은 전년 같은 기간보다 17% 증가했고, 총이익도 164억3000만달러에서 218억7천만달러로 33% 늘었습니다.

애저 서비스를 포함하는 마이크로소프트의 클라우드 부문 매출은 258억8000만달러로 20% 증가했다. 시장 예상치(252억9000만달러)도 웃돌았습니다.
